–Picked up HoneyBaked ham–along with several other folks.

–Played with watches/bezels a bit. Decided I’ll be selling the 5512 as is. Before long I’ll need to choose between 1680 with original dial and bezel, color-matched hands, crisped-up case and complete full set; 5513 with replacement gilt dial/matching hands/tritium service bezel, great case and almost-full set; and Sea-Dweller with stellar dial/bezel, probable color-matched hands and recut case (plus trippy “Original Helium Escape Valve” caseback).

–Ordered a white iPhone SE. Did some battery testing and, at first glance, it appears the Samsung battery goes down faster than the SE battery–correcting for SIM presence. Could be other factors involved, could be my imagination. I’m just so torn over Samsung (great build, good earpiece volume) vs. iPhone (smaller form factor, hearing aid-friendly).

–Started fluorouracil treatment.