–Around and around again with taxes. At least Curtis called and offered to come here or have me go to his office to sort through things. I still don’t know what happened, but IRS site shows all balances $0, so I think I’ll leave it at that until they send me another dunning notice. [Edit: I found the 2020 estimated payments sheet I copy from the IRS site and send to Curtis in the 2021 folder. It shows two estimated payments in Sep 2020: the standard $1,520 and $8,910. The latter payment is missing from the current IRS estimated payment history. So: it actually was a misapplied payment that they credited to me, then made me pay back. Problem: the bogus refund this led to was credited toward 2021 estimated payments. When the IRS gets around to balancing the books, they’ll see there was no refund in 2020 and hit me for….something. Maybe around $3k–plus interest, penalties, fees, etc. We’ll see what Curtis says.]

–Two 1803s came back from Phil Ridley. One had a large dust speck on the dial. I opened it up and blew it off. Had a little trouble getting the stem back in (argghhh) but all is good now.