–Walked to UPS to pick up tiny painting and Shamwari. Both nice. Shamwari seems heavy: not titanium? Thick? Don’t know. Great blade and action, though.
–Rolex 1503 came in. Runs great, looks good. In an astounding miracle, I found a 13.5mm link (was looking for 13.4) on eBay. Unbelievable. Don’t hugely need it, but it would make the bracelet fully-linked.
–Rode the InnerLight to re-look at where Buffalo Creek dumps into the American River. Took me a LONG time to find it, and even longer to (re-) find the input pipes on the other side of the ARP. Mainly BECAUSE the input pipes are not on the other side of the ARP, but rather are visible only from the ROAD that parallels the ARP. Argh….