–Did much work on sprinklers in back patio. As usual, lines were already installed. Put a riser/emitters on the two bushes by the barbecue. With a lot of cutting and patching, put emitters on the three bushes in back. Then discovered another line and decided to redo everything and put emitters on that line. Grace took a look and noted that the line I used was actually a soaker line, with emitting holes every foot or two. Exhausted and pissed, I quit for the day. Tomorrow I’ll go back and redo what I first did, with emitters on a new line, then block off the soaker line. Only good thing was discovering a cut off line buried 3-4 inches deep, which I’m sure was responsible for the low emitter pressure I noticed at first. Blocked it.
–Picked up the Caran d’Ache pencil at UPS. Nice, but not thrilling. Then to Bel Air where I got ciabatta rolls and jam, and used Google “tap to pay” on my phone. Worked like a charm.