–Went to UPS to pick up Zeiss Biotar 58 f2 lens. Seems to be pretty sharp–much better than the “new” Helios 44-2, which I’ll trash. I was reminded that I cannot use this lens on the M9, as it won’t couple with the rangefinder. It will work with an M that has live view, which I’m considering.

–Scary stuff: Was searching yesterday for M10 Leicas at the Leica Miami Store, as recommended at reddit. I somehow got redirected to a site called leicaous.com (Leica Online US), where all Leicas were available cheap. I thought I bought one with the Heritage credit card, but nothing came through. Turns out leicaous is a copycat site that somehow intercepted my search and tried to sell me stuff. Turns out NOBODY has Leica 10-Rs for sale in black paint or even black charcoal. The cheapest silver one (new) is around $6,200 from Hong Kong, and the cheapest used black paint ones are $9,000 (leicaous had them for $6,100). Scary stuff–just hoping they didn’t steal my CC number to sell it.