–Sealed the crack in the ECM water tank with epoxy and Gorilla tape. Seemed to work. New one coming, so I’ll have an extra.

–Took Grace shopping at Smart & Final.

–Decided (as per yesterday’s journal entry) to box up the Leica Q and call it quits (for now) on fixed-lens cameras. Brought out the M11 for the 13th time, and may keep it out as a high-megapixel complement to the SL2-S. It does have (on the LCD) constant exposure preview, and the thumbwheel adjusts it via ISO. The LCD should also work for focusing at night–I imagine I’ve done it before, in addition to using the Visoflex. It’s not exactly an M, with magnified LCD focus and lift-up ISO dial for example, but I checked and all M10s also have that ISO dial, and I’m not going back to M9. [edit] Okay, okay. It’s always something. Took a couple night shots with the M11, full of hope, then realized in Lightroom that the M11 lacks image stabilization. ISO was 8000 in both pics (though I underexposed the second one), shutter speeds were 1/15, then 1/5. Pictures were awful. M11 is just not a night camera. I WISH I COULD REMEMBER THIS.