–Slow day, drizzly and cool. Played with cameras a bit, revived the SL.
–Tried to watch Raines S01E01 on the TV using VLC, but the subtitles (two different files) kept falling behind the video. After much weeping and gnashing of teeth, I found that the native Quicktime player (a) sees and plays the built-in subtitles that VLC saw but wouldn’t play, and (b) keeps them in sync. So much for VLC. Maybe I have an old version, maybe it doesn’t like Apple silicon, whatever.
–Tried yet again to get Affinity Photo and/or Capture One going. Affinity is quick but not customizable enough; Capture One is plenty customizable but slow. Running C1 without Chrome going (reddit suggestion) seemed to help, but with all sliders the photo goes fuzzy while sliding, then sharpens up when I stop. Very frustrating, as it might be a viable alternative to Lightroom.
–Red Baron pizza for dinner.