–Went to Bel Air for bagels.

–Raked the back patio; pulled leaves out of plants. In my first close look in months at the bizzaro succulent from Pot Stop, I found that 3 of 9 sprigs I poked into the soil long ago were dead, so pulled them out. Still don’t know if it’s going to live or just take 3 years to die.

–Played with watches. Looks like the Sea Dweller is going to need service: I have to take the back off and spin the balance wheel to get it going.

–Played with cameras, after the Leica C failed to zoom or focus on a squirrel eating Chinese Pistache berries. Switching over to the D-Lux 7: less zoom than the C-Lux, but slightly better quality.

–Frozen Mega-Bowls for dinner.