–Picked up Focusworks spinner at UPS. Felt light at first, but spins like crazy.

–Got some tiny reading glasses at Rite-Aid. Same power as the ones Grace lent me (2.50), and stowable in a really small flat case so I can always have them with me without needing to wear them constantly.

–Got a slice of carrot cake and some candles at Bel Air. Took them to Kenny and sang to him for his 81st birthday.

–Offered 400 Euro for the domain icsb-2006.org. Owner countered with 1,500 Euro. Canceled.

–Went back to Twenty-Ten theme for dizzinessandnausea.com. Hemingway is nice, but has some glitches that just don’t appear in an official WordPress theme. Will probably switch out the other sites as well.

–Marie’s chicken pot pie for dinner.