–Sun came out; nice day.

–But not for me: played with hosts and websites all day. Found what I thought was a total winner i hosting: Porkbun. As it turns out, they have their own quirks: forcing all prefixes (FTP, DB, etc.) to some bizarre thing like llldxcdffftymn. They also haven’t responded after 6 hours to a query asking them to use a simpler name for DB prefixes. Soooo, looks like I’m moving everything back to iWebFusion for now. They’re cheap, fast, no quirks–it’s just that dang whois privacy thing that grates on me. Oh, and further: I finally got FTP set up at Porkbun and Spaceship. The directory they point to is empty; putting a file in it doesn’t show up in the hosts’ file manager; trying to move up or down a level in FTP goes nowhere. I have no idea what those cPanel-generated FTP sites are. If I can’t access public_html etc., what’s the point?