–Bought Astra WordPress theme. It’s nice, but way more than I’ll ever need and it’s another one of those naggers. Even after spending $280 for a theme you get nagged for add-ons, and when I opened a support ticket for a refund, they nagged for $4.08/month to get VIP service. Absolutely unbelievable. I finally (sort of) figured out how to get stuff out of the header and into the footer of Hemingway, so–given the small chance of ever getting one of my domains approved for Adsense–that should be sufficient. [edit] Took another look at Astra; managed to get the Pro plugin installed, which added a lot of functionality. Got the footer looking like I want now, so I guess I’ll stay with Astra and try to build an impeccable Dizziness site. Google still won’t accept it for Adsense (too medical), but the exercise won’t hurt.
–Walked to UPS to pick up another spinner. This one looks okay, but spins badly. After a lot of effort, I got it apart to learn that it uses the old-style 608 bearing, and a crappy one at that. Looked into 608 to R188 adapters, but that ship sailed a while ago, so I just bought (what I hope is) a nicer 608 bearing on eBay. We’ll see.
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