–Rolex 1680 came in. Very nice. Runs okay on the Timegrapher. The current 1680 (Rolliworks had it for 6 months) is now running terribly: amplitude and beat error are okay, but timing is all over the place. I have a vague recollection that this is what caused them issues and was so hard (expensive) to fix. Back it goes.

–Went to Sac Eye to pick up the Ray-Ban sunglasses. They seem okay; I haven’t put them under a microscope. I showed her the smudge on the Flexon lens, and she quickly agreed to get new lenses. It was hard to talk her out of UV and anti-glare coatings, but I did. She also said (I think) that the smudge was a scratch. Possible, but I’m skeptical: it’s quite wide, not like a grain of abrasive but more like a piece of sandpaper.

–Stopped at UPS for the KAP Mothership mokume (nice, but not compelling) and the bronze Pose XL (nice). Then to Bel Air for dessert.